School started last Thursday. Need I say more?
Even the beginning of last week is a blur. I took Meghan shopping to get her uniforms for school, I had back to school night for my students, and then I got to do it all over again the next night as a parent for Meghan. That is definitely going to be an adjustment. I have found it's not as easy to stay after school and get some things done since I have Meghan with me and she can't keep herself busy as easily as I hoped.
Meghan is adjusting to our new school schedule pretty well. What was really nice to find out is that I have the same lunch period as Meghan. I get to go into the lunch room every day and visit with her for a short time. I actually ate lunch with her on her first day of school. I still can't believe she is already in Kindergarten. I took a picture of her on the first day of school:

Audrey, on the other hand, is another issue. Poor girl. She is used to going to the same daycare as Meghan and she is definitely showing signs of missing her big sister. On the first day of school, she had Jason call me three different times on my way to work because she wanted to say "goodbye" and to be reminded that I still love her. I was so impressed with Jason, though. He decided to take it upon himself and make it a routine that every week he takes Audrey on a little date. That is so precious! My girls are so lucky to have such an amazing dad. This is exactly what Audrey needs right now. Especially with the baby coming in February.
Speaking of the baby, all seems to be going well. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat recently, and my doctor said it seems to be healthy. I won't be having my first ultrasound for another month or so which is when we find out the gender of the baby. I did express my concerns to my doctor about all my nauseousness. I don't necessarily know if it is as severe or more severe as my other pregnancies, but I think that my greater struggle is that the more tired I am, the more nauseous I feel. Even with more than 8 hours of sleep a night, I am still feeling nauseous. I told my doctor that I was concerned about my ability to perform my job at that capacity I need to even with having to deal with nauseousness. She totally made my day when she sent me out with a prescription for anti-nausea medication. I have been on it for over a week now, and it has made a HUGE difference. I still have to be careful with getting enough sleep, but it has definitely helped out with my ability to survive the day.
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