Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School Has Started Already?

School started last Thursday. Need I say more?

Even the beginning of last week is a blur. I took Meghan shopping to get her uniforms for school, I had back to school night for my students, and then I got to do it all over again the next night as a parent for Meghan. That is definitely going to be an adjustment. I have found it's not as easy to stay after school and get some things done since I have Meghan with me and she can't keep herself busy as easily as I hoped.

Meghan is adjusting to our new school schedule pretty well. What was really nice to find out is that I have the same lunch period as Meghan. I get to go into the lunch room every day and visit with her for a short time. I actually ate lunch with her on her first day of school. I still can't believe she is already in Kindergarten. I took a picture of her on the first day of school:

Audrey, on the other hand, is another issue. Poor girl. She is used to going to the same daycare as Meghan and she is definitely showing signs of missing her big sister. On the first day of school, she had Jason call me three different times on my way to work because she wanted to say "goodbye" and to be reminded that I still love her. I was so impressed with Jason, though. He decided to take it upon himself and make it a routine that every week he takes Audrey on a little date. That is so precious! My girls are so lucky to have such an amazing dad. This is exactly what Audrey needs right now. Especially with the baby coming in February.

Speaking of the baby, all seems to be going well. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat recently, and my doctor said it seems to be healthy. I won't be having my first ultrasound for another month or so which is when we find out the gender of the baby. I did express my concerns to my doctor about all my nauseousness. I don't necessarily know if it is as severe or more severe as my other pregnancies, but I think that my greater struggle is that the more tired I am, the more nauseous I feel. Even with more than 8 hours of sleep a night, I am still feeling nauseous. I told my doctor that I was concerned about my ability to perform my job at that capacity I need to even with having to deal with nauseousness. She totally made my day when she sent me out with a prescription for anti-nausea medication. I have been on it for over a week now, and it has made a HUGE difference. I still have to be careful with getting enough sleep, but it has definitely helped out with my ability to survive the day.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 1/2 Week Update

The other day, I started a new post to my blog until my computer decided to turn itself off in the middle of my blogging. I was too tired to fight it, so I decided to finish it later. Later then turned into several days, and now it has been nearly a week since I last tried to blog.

Looking back on what I had originally planned on posting, I just sit back and laugh at how inaccurate it is from where I stand today. All last week I was feeling good. I didn't have any struggles with nauseousness at all last week and I was feeling great. I was very encouraged at how I was feeling since I started back at work last Monday. The teachers at my school are given about 2 1/2 weeks of training and time to prepare their classrooms before school starts. At times I get annoyed just because it cuts so far into my summer, but since I am new to this school, it is nice having this extra time to prepare for the new school year. The downside to all this is that I have yet more time to worry about all the odds and ends of how I am going to structure my class and curriculum.

These past two days, however, I have not been quite so fortunate with the nauseousness. I am not very tolerant these days, and every day seems like a struggle. What makes it more difficult to deal with is that I have somewhere to be. I can't decide not to come in just because I am feeling nauseous and I am most definitely not contagious. The only thing that keeps me in perspective right now is when I remember one of my friends who just recently had a baby of her own. Poor girl, she struggled with nauseousness her ENTIRE pregnancy. She had it so bad that she wasn't just on anti-nausea medication, but if she missed one day of her medication, she was violently nauseous and sick the entire day.

Aside from the nauseousness, I am so tired. Actually, I have discovered that the more tired I am, the more nauseous I get. So, I try to get LOTS of sleep each night, but that doesn't really allow me much time to work at home on some school things that desperately need to get done. Many of these things get pushed to "later." Don't ask me when "later" will be because my days are completely filled with various seminars and I don't have much time to get more settled and organized with my class...which perpetuates my lack of productivity and exhaustion. I am very ready to get past this and to start feeling "normal." Whenever that will be.

Right now I try my best to take things one day at a time....or one moment at a time. It's not easy. Especially when I've felt pretty lousy all day, I end up bringing home two crabby girls who won't stop bickering and fighting, I have to try to fix yet one more dinner when I can't stand the smell, sight, or thought of food out of fear of throwing up, and all I want to do is sleep and blink my eyes and the house will magically be clean while my classroom will be perfectly ready for the new school year, and my family will be wonderfully tended to and everyone is perfectly happy and content with life. It will all happen as planned...later.