I picked up the girls from daycare this afternoon on my way home from work, and I couldn't resist the opportunity for a great picture. 

The thing that makes this so precious to me is that this was all on their own. I didn't prompt them to start holding hands. They just did. The other thing that makes moments like this extra special is just that things like this happen all the time with my girls. They are the best (and sometimes the worst) of friends. They adore each other, and they play so well together. The other day they spent the whole entire day playing happily together. They were so content just playing with what they had and they didn't need me or Jason to help entertain them.
I took the girls to a craft sale in town the other day, and they were so happy to pose for a picture like this. Many times they even insist on wearing similar clothes. It's times like this that I am reminded of me and my sister, Sarah. We were always wanting to dress up alike and act alike. I even used to pretend I was deaf just like her.

A couple weeks ago we were at my school for their fundraising event, the Harvest Festival. We all had a blast. They had a costume contest, but the girls were too interested in playing. The weather was wonderful, and I have no idea why the girls didn't burn up. Audrey especially enjoyed the tricycle track.

Meghan enjoyed stuffing her face with chocolate chip cookies.

The next day after my school's Harvest Festival, a family from church was having a party and BBQ at their beautiful place. They live on the east side of town on a 1-2 acre little farm. Their place was absolutely amazing, and definitely a place Jason and I have dreamed of having. They had a beautiful house which sat on this golf course of a yard. As the yard led to the back, they had a little play house village. They had about 4 different houses for the kids to play in! My girls were in heaven! Here's one of the houses:

We got to go on a hay ride, bob for apples, paint pumpkins, roast hot dogs, make smores, etc. We had so much fun that day. That is definitely a day I will remember for a long time. I am finding that the older my girls get, the more I am enjoying life with them and appreciating being able to share these little "firsts" with them.
I am so blessed.