Well, it's been a week since I announced the big news about the baby.
Obviously being so early in my pregnancy, there really isn't much that has changed in the past week. I go to my first prenatal appointment tomorrow morning. I am excited to meet my new midwife and to hopefully hear that little heartbeat. I decided to continue with a midwife because I had a midwife for both of my previous pregnancies, and I have nothing but positive things to say. I would recommend a midwife to anyone. They are fabulous. I know several other women who have had midwives and all have great things to say.
I am still struggling with morning sickness (or all day sickness as it happens for me this time around). I was reminded of that the other morning when I set my alarm because I had to be somewhere early the next morning. When the alarm went off, I jumped out of bed like I always do, and I headed straight for the shower. Big mistake. I can't jump out of bed like I used to. I have to ease into my morning. I guess it's a good thing I found out now and not once school was starting, or I'd be late for school. I was fighting nauseousness for the rest of the day.
I was telling Jason the other night that at times it doesn't seem as severe as it did with the other pregnancies, but it is so easy to forget sometimes. I have found that the similar tactics I used in the past to cope with nauseousness still seems to work. I am still confronted with overwhelmingly horrible smells that quickly send me to the other room just to keep from throwing up all over the place. There have also been quite a few nights where Jason is left to figure out dinner on his own because I can't even think about eating when it's time for dinner. Sometimes the thought of food just makes me sick. Really, if I wasn't at a point where it was necessary to eat for the sake of a healthy baby, this could be a great diet...not very nutritional, but I'd definitely lose weight if the thought of food didn't repulse me so much.
I really appreciate Jason's patience as I muddle through this. I am optimistic, though. I don't think I'm going to have to endure much more of this, either. I do consider myself lucky. I didn't start feeling any sort of nauseousness until I was about 6 weeks along. I better not be jinxing anything by being so optimistic.
The other thing is that I have been super TIRED lately. I remember the fatigue, but it seems so much worse when you are running after a couple of kids, too! Thankfully I have been able to take a good nap in the afternoons when the girls nap. That won't last long. I have teacher orientation that starts next week and it goes until school starts. Last Thursday and Friday I had to report to orientation for the new teachers to the school. I was SO tired afterwards! It really hit me on Friday. It hit me so hard that I was in bed by around 8:00 when we got the girls to bed, and then I didn't wake up until 7:30 the next morning! Boy, did I feel refreshed! These next couple weeks are going to be a bit bumpy when it comes to the early pregnancy fatigue, but it should get better once school starts. I'll be in my second trimester by then, and I'll be ready to start the new school year with a bang.
I know it sounds crazy, but I am REALLY excited for school to start. I know there will be quite the adjustment period, but I am so excited to be at a school where all the teachers there seem to be just as excited about what they do as I am. I feel so excited about the administration, too. After all I had been through at my old school with the administration there, I am excited to be working for people who not just say they are on my side, but I actually believe it. The proof is in how many teachers stayed over the summer and how many positive things they all have to say about the school and the staff there.
I was wrestling with when I should share with the administration about my pregnancy. Some people said that I should wait until my first trimester is over, but I felt that doing so seemed like I would be hiding something which I have no reason to hide. After feeling things out, I felt it was in my best interest to be straightforward and tell them sooner rather than later. I told both the principal and the assistant principal and each of them were thrilled. They were very happy for me and they were pleased that I had shared this information with them. I told them that I am an open and honest person and that I felt that it was important for me to tell them now because I felt that it would be hypocritical of me to keep it a secret any longer. I know that through my actions, they saw that I expect open and honest communication from my students without fear of any sort of backlash. I walked away from that conversation feeling quite relieved and definitely a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
God has definitely taken care of things. Looking back to where I had been a year ago, there is NO WAY I could have predicted all this to have happened. God had blessed us so much, and I am so grateful as He continues to lavish blessings upon us.
The thoughts, feelings, struggles, and accomplishments of a wife, mother, teacher, and ultimately a follower of God.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
In Case You Were Wondering...
Yup. It happened.
We are expecting our new little one at the end of February. For the first few weeks, I was feeling fine and nothing out of the ordinary. For a short time there, I was starting to feel a bit guilty and was wishing for just a slight tinge of morning sickness just so I would be absolutely certain it was true. (Like the positive pregnancy test wasn't enough or something.) Stupid me. What was I thinking? I had it so good before, and now I am just nauseous all day. The worst part? This is just the beginning of it. Thankfully it hasn't progressed to much more than nauseousness, but it still sucks. Now here I am sitting and wishing for those days before where I felt absolutely nothing at all. The good part? I should *hopefully* be done with all the nauseousness by the time school starts. Unless I am one of those unfortunate ones who have to deal with the constant urge to vomit their entire pregnancy. Kinda makes teaching a bit more challenging.
Audrey: "We're going to have a little brother or sister!"

Considering this will be my third baby, I guess you can say I am a veteran to all the pregnancy ailments. Not really. It is so true that EVERY pregnancy is SO different. I just hope and pray that this one goes just as smoothly as my other two. Just like my other pregnancies, I can't stand the taste of crackers. So my food of choice to combat the nauseousness is:
It's light enough to keep me from making a fast run to the bathroom, but enough to make my stomach think it's had something to eat to keep from making me take yet another quick run to the bathroom. The heartburn has already set in, so it's my normal routine to just pop a couple tums as I'm getting into bed each night.

The girls are pretty excited. They are thrilled to be welcoming a little brother or sister this winter. We'll see how quickly the novelty will wear off once the baby arrives.
The funniest part was how my parents found out about the baby. We were all camping over the Independence Day holiday weekend. One of the days we were out there, I was stranded in my sister's RV with my mom because of the rain. We were in there playing cards while Meghan, Audrey, and my nephew were playing to pass the time. While we were in the middle of a card game, my mom overheard my girls telling their cousin about the exciting news.
Audrey: "We're going to have a little brother or sister!"
Meghan: "Yeah! Our mommy has a baby in her tummy!"
My mom then looked at me in utter shock and disbelief and desperately looking for answers. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just laughed. My uproarious laughter then caused my sister, who is deaf, to be very confused and absolutely frantic and desperately wanting to know what was so funny. My mother then told my sister what she heard and then I had two sets of eyes staring me down and intent on finding out the truth. While still laughing, I just shook my head, "yes." They were quite excited. Seriously, who wouldn't be excited?
Considering we hadn't quite figured out how we wanted to tell the grandparents about the baby, I think that turned out well....and quite memorable.
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