Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Outdoor Ed

Last week I took my class of 12 students to Outdoor Ed in Winter Park, Colorado.

This is something we had been waiting for all year. At the beginning of the year it seems so far away that we forget that it is happening. Being at a school as small as mine, we have to do some fundraising to earn money for the trip. Typically the trip costs a total of $2,000 to take a whole group of students.

This year I left the fundraising ideas to the class for the first semester, and after no money being raised, I decided that I was going to have to take a more active role. I hate that. I have enough to worry about and to add fundraising on top of that, it gets very stressful. What made this worse was that I had even asked for help from parents with no reply. I guess this is a perfect example of the saying, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."

After a brilliant suggestion, we decided to sell breakfast burritos every Tuesday morning starting in February. That was such a blessing! Not only did we raise enough money in three months, but we even had money left over!

We left for our trip last Wednesday, and we stayed until Friday after lunch. What a great time we had. The kids were great, the weather was beautiful, and we all had an awesome time. Thankfully I was able to take a school camera where I took TONS of pictures. Just yesterday I put all the pictures into a movie where I burned DVDs for all my students. Take a look at our trip here!

We took several classes about outdoor living skills, we hiked to an abandoned gold mine, visited a pioneer homestead, learned about beaver ecology, tackled the high ropes course 40-feet in the air, and so much more! I never had the opportunity to do a week-long trip like this when I was this age, but I have been privileged enough to be able to take a group of students every year.