I went to pick up the girls at daycare the other day only to find Meghan in tears when I got there. Her teacher was quick to point out that Meghan's curiosity got the best of her when she ended up getting a little pebble stuck in her ear. Great. Just what I needed. Didn't she learn her lesson this summer when she stuck a bead up her nose??? Not only did she stick the bead up her nose, but we were on vacation at Lake Tahoe!!! Thankfully, with a few nose blows, she was able to get the bead out, but seriously! What is it about little kids and finding strange body openings to stick obscure objects in?
I look in Meghan's ear, and yup. There it was. A nicely shaped square rock that had wedged itself nicely right in Meghan's ear. I had always heard that it isn't always the best idea to stick anything in your ear. Not even a "Q-tip". I called the doctor's office, and just my luck; they just closed the office for the day. Jason was out donating plasma (a nice $30 twice a week), and he isn't able to answer his phone while donating. I call my mom to ask her what to do. I get her on the phone and explain the situation to her, and her response was somewhat surprising, yet quite predictable. "Just use the vacuum hose," she said. Oh my goodness!
This comes from her experience from over 20 years ago when my younger sister got a little people stuck in her forehead from a wipe out on the driveway. My sister would not let my mom use tweezers to get the pebble out, so after a few days of struggling and some beginnings of puss, my mom finally decided that it was time for that rock to come out and the vacuum hose was going to make that happen. Sure enough, the rock popped out with very little effort or pain, so obviously, my mom thought it was a simple answer to use the vacuum hose to get the rock out of Meghan's ear.
The only problem I had with this solution is that I had heard stories that you could even blow out someone's ear drum just by giving them a peck on the ear. Just a little amount of suction can cause some serious damage. I know not everyone loses hearing from a ruptured ear drum, but that is something I didn't exactly want to risk given my sister's profound hearing loss. I would blame myself forever if something like that happened because of some poor decision I had made.
I eventually decided to take Meghan to Urgent Care to get the pesky rock removed. After A LOT of tears and persistence (the rock was the one being persistent), the rock finally came out. The next question from the doctor shocked me almost just as much as what my mom said earlier. "Do you want to keep the rock?" the doctor said. What??? Why would I want to keep something like that? I want to keep any sort of temptation like that as far away from my girls as I can! I did end up taking the rock home, but only for the purpose of my blog. How crazy is that?